Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Fall & One Month Anniversary

After two fast paced weekends I was excited to stay in Florence and just amble along the cobbled streets. It’s fall now, my favorite season, but it doesn’t feel like it. In New England by now the leaves would be shimmering with their oranges and reds, pumpkins would be everywhere and the air would be crisp and full of the threat of winter. Here, its still in the eighties and the trees just seem to shrivel without a final show of resistance. Everyone is beginning to feel the differences between here and home, in my photo class we had a ten minute discussion on how we’d all love a Dunkin Donuts or a Starbucks right now and how we are beginning to miss the little things. The differences really hit home when we lost power because of too many appliances being used. But putting all that aside Florence has its own charm. You can’t help but appreciate the fine architecture and the proud piazzas any time you walk down the street. I mean where else could you stumble upon a two day wine festival. So to help forget our electrical problems we happily purchased a wine glass and spent the afternoon strolling from piazza to piazza sampling the local wines and conversing with the owners. To end the evening we celebrated our one-month anniversary abroad with apertivo. For 8 euro we sipped on Bellini’s and had access to an unlimited buffet of delectable pizzas, home made pastas and freshly made tuna, to name a few things. So even though there are times when I really miss home I wouldn’t change places with anyone.

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